Key Advantages of Progressive Apps For Work Management Over Traditional Store Apps

Jul 27, 2023
8 min

Field workers once relied on Native Apps from the App store to track field work and collect data. However, with the invention of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), everything changed. PWAs are game-changers! They offer utility vendors and municipalities a better way to work on field service projects.

Field service devices and software are crucial for managing field work efficiently. They are designed with workflows that help all employees, no matter their experience, to do tasks easily, collect important data, and skip doing data entry in the office. Some time ago, Native Apps from the App Store replaced old devices, making installation simpler, and smartphones replaced outdated devices.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a big deal for work management and field service software. We believe PWAs will replace native apps soon, so workers won't need to download them from the App Store anymore.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are like special web apps that feel like regular apps. They have the best parts of websites and mobile apps and can work offline and send notifications. Big companies like Starbucks, Uber, and Spotify use PWAs to make their services even better.

For example, Starbucks uses PWAs for its ordering system, and Uber made their app a PWA to let people with slow internet book cars easily. Spotify also joined in, making their PWA version faster and unique.

This technology is super helpful for organizations in rural areas and makes field service work for utility projects much smoother.

There are five big advantages of Progressive Apps over regular apps from the app store.

Instant accessibility with no downloads

Regular apps from the app store need users to download and install them on their devices. It's easy for personal use, but for field service projects, it can be complicated. Companies have to make business accounts for each employee before they can download the app, which takes time and can be a barrier for some users.

Progressive apps are different and easier to use. Instead of downloading, you can access them through a web browser.

Field workers get a link in a text message, so they can use the app right away.

This makes it more convenient and reduces the chance of people giving up. Plus, you can add PWAs to your smartphone home screen, just like other apps from the app store.

Using PWA technology makes things much easier and faster. Before, it took a long time for the IT department to create accounts and for field workers to install apps from the App Store. But with Fieldman's Mass Meter Deployment and Fieldman Work Management using PWAs, it only takes about 15 minutes to install and start using the mobile field service app. This reduces IT hassle and speeds up the installation process significantly.

Fast and easy field service app update

Updating traditional apps can be slow and uncertain because they have to go through app store approval processes. This can cause delays of a couple of weeks and disrupt field service workflows for things like adding new processes or making minor changes.

But with PWAs, organizations have more control. They can quickly update the app without waiting for approvals. Field users always get the latest version of the mobile field service software. In utility projects, updates can happen in just an hour, and employees might not even notice the change. It's much faster and smoother with PWAs.

Offline functionality

PWAs are super helpful because they work even when there's no internet or a weak network. In utility projects, field workers often don't have internet access, but with apps like Fieldman, they can still use it for a long time and get all the important information they need.

When the internet comes back, all the data collected by field workers is sent to the cloud and appears in the project's portal without any problems.

This feature keeps work going smoothly and reduces any downtime or data loss risk. With Offline Functionality, field service apps make sure employees can keep working and stay efficient, no matter the connectivity challenges. It leads to happier customers and better project execution.

Cross-platform compatibility

PWAs are awesome because they work on different devices like Android, iOS, and Windows without any issues. Regular apps need separate development for each platform, which costs more money and time. But PWAs are smartly designed to look great on any device, saving costs and time for businesses.

With PWAs, utility vendors and municipalities can be confident that their field service app will work perfectly on any device.

Improved security

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are super safe when it comes to security, way better than regular work management apps. PWAs use HTTPS to encrypt data, so it's protected from any threats when you use the app. This is especially important when dealing with sensitive or personal information.

Unlike regular apps with old security measures, PWAs get automatic updates and patches, making them less vulnerable to risks. Also, since PWAs are accessed through web browsers, you don't have to worry about downloading harmful files.

With improved security and continuous updates, PWAs give utilities, utility vendors, and local governments a safer and more reliable experience. It's all about keeping your data secure and protected!

A new way for field service management: using progressive web apps

Progressive Web Apps are the future of app development. They combine the best of websites and native apps, making them super versatile and cost-effective. That's why utilities and local governments love using them to connect with their audience.

Even though regular work management apps are still useful, PWAs offer exciting opportunities for utility vendors and municipalities in today's digital world. It's all about staying innovative and engaging with your audience effectively!

Fieldman App, offered in Mass Meter Deployment and Work Management solutions, utilizes PWA technology.

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